Recoverist Curator Participation Call-Out…

29 July 2024

Recoverist = recovery + activist.

We are looking for a group of people in recovery from substance use who have an interest in the arts and culture to join our Recoverist Curators group.

Portraits of Recovery and the Whitworth have partnered to develop a project called Recoverist Curators. This will see people in recovery from substance use, come together to explore and reinterpret the Whitworth’s art collection, and influence their future programming.  

How to apply:  

Please email an expression of interest to outlining why you would like to be a part of this project in no more than 200 words.  

Closing date: 31st July 2024.  

Recoverist Curators will 

  • Co-curate a major Recoverist public exhibition with works from the Whitworth collection; researching, discussing, and producing new understandings of the collection through the lens of recovery.  
  • Help to develop a ‘Recoverist’ glossary of language that better represents recovery communities, both within the gallery and within the gallery’s art collection. 
  • Co-produce and deliver a training programme for the Whitworth staff, artists, volunteers and peers from other local arts and health organisations. 

Recoverist Curators will also challenge societal perceptions of recovery through:  

  • Programming and delivering a series of recovery community arts events.  
  • Planning and delivering a 1-day national symposium in September 2025 for sharing our learning with other arts organisations and Greater Manchester’s recovery communities.
  • Supporting and helping to initiate the first ever fellowship e.g. AA or NA meeting within a UK contemporary art space.   

Find out more about the project.

Portraits of Recovery
supports recovery from substance
use through contemporary art